Column One

DISGUSTING, absolutely disgusting! What, you ask? The irresponsible GOP members of the U. S. Senate who have fallen prey to Donald John Trump’s intimidation. Voting down anything and everything so far in the impeachment process. This lifelong moderate Republican is embarrassed to acknowledge his party affiliation when connected ‘in name only’ to the shameful, spineless majority of the Senate. Caving in to the threats and name-calling by ‘The Donald’.

How could each of those Republican senators raise their right hand as they were sworn in by the Chief Justice of the U. S. Supreme Court knowing in their own mind they had already sworn their ‘allegiance’ to the unfit Oval Office Occupant? The bombastic New York real estate typhoon with no class, no allegiance to anyone or anything but himself and his personal gain. Our national leader who has been ‘clocked’ with over 15,000 lies and misstatements since January 20, 2017, the day his reign of terror began at the White House.

The most gratifying thing about the impeachment proceedings, as of this column’s deadline (the third day of the sessions) is that the citizens of the United States are hearing for themselves the lengthy sordid details of the two articles of impeachment, and the reasons why the nation is being subjected to this national embarrassment in front of the whole world.  Hopefully, those who have serious concerns about our nation’s well-being will remember those subservient Senators who took their oath with their fingers crossed thinking of their own well-being, not the nation’s. May God bless America! (if we are deserving!)

ANOTHER WARNING about flu season being here, and causing many to suffer needlessly.  Haven’t had your flu shot?? Run, don’t walk to the nearest purveyor of flu vaccine. It’s quick and painless!

CORONAVIRUS, a newcomer affliction to avoid, has reached over here from China, with a first known case in Seattle.  By the time you read this column, it may have hit others. Ugly stuff. Certainly not part of the trade deals we have with the Chinese.

Several years ago on a cruise ship, Chinese officials came aboard and each passenger, going ashore or not, was screened one-by-one in the lounge.  The official held a device which was pointed at your forehead as we walked down the aisle toward him. It projected a red dot which, when it hit your skin, could detect a fever.  Any sign of a fever meant we could not go ashore. Passports were pulled. No questions asked. No apologies. Just a friendly smile. So sorry! Now, U. S. officials are screening passengers coming here from areas of China.  Nothing to mess with. We have more than enough health issues to cope with.

MAIL BOX tampering and thefts are being reported increasingly.  We thought our new ‘locked box’ on the street would do the trick.  Wrong! We’ve been hit. Even in daylight hours. Have been told that people, or children with very small hands, can be the culprits.  In one case, the opening had been ‘jimmied’ with a tool. One more concern, along with packages stolen from front porches. Then, of course, there are thefts from vehicles with valuables left in plain sight.  Let’s see, what else?

SENATORS wanting a shot at being the Democrat nominee this year for president are having to sit on their hands in the Senate and not talk as they perform their constitutional responsibility as ‘juror’ in the impeachment trial.  No doubt at all that the long hours sitting, rather than speaking and shaking hands, must be a killer. Timing could not be worse.

CHEERS for Kiwanis International celebrating 100 years of service to our nation’s citizens…children, adults, special needs, communities and in more recent decades to much of the world.  The Martinez Kiwanis Club is a vibrant example of service to community. Men and women working together as an enthusiastic dedicated group, having a great time while benefiting so many.


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