MARTINEZ, Calif. –The United State Coast Guard Auxilary Flotilla 57 has a new vice flotilla commander, Wayne Grace.
Flotilla Commander Bob Bain swore in his new vice commander in a ceremony March 1, said spokesperson Ingemar Olsson.
“The USCG Auxiliary performs essential duties for the federal government in support to the United States Coast Guard in non-law enforcement and non-combat roles as search and rescue missions, boating education, vessel safety checks, environmental protection missions and aids to navigation,” Olsson said.
Flotilla 57, also called the “Diablo Flotilla”, has about 40 members from Contra Costa County and several of them are from Martinez.
The flotilla meets at 7 p.m. the fourth Thursdays of the month at Martinez Yacht Club at 111 Tarantino Road. Prospective members are always welcome. Its website is http://wow.uscgaux.info/content.php?unit=113-05-07.