The sun was shining, the children were excited, over 2,500 candy filled plastic easter eggs were ready to be hunted. The Easter Bunny was on-site for pictures and there were over 150 prize eggs. Thank you to the following sponsors and partners who made the Martinez Annual Easter Egg Hunt a wonderful success:
Scott Busby Construction, Bisio and Dunivan Associates. Dr. Stephen C Frances, DDS, Law offices of Turner, Huguet, Adams, and Farr, Martinez Lioness Club, and the Martinez Kiwanis Club.
A special thanks to the Martinez Recreation Dept. for providing the easter bunny and bunny facepainting.
Thank you to the Martinez Police Dept., not only for starting the hunt off with lights and sirens, but also for providing a friendly and safe environment for the hundreds of children present.
The community support, both monetarily and hands on, make this a fun and memorable event for hundreds of local children.
– Barbara Chambers
Easter Egg Hunt Chair
Martinez Lions Club