Kids Getting Free Lunch Boxes Thursday At Clippers Game The Martinez Clippers baseball club will be giving away lunch boxes at Thursday’s game against the …

I am writing to seek help from the community. Our home is on some acreage that abuts the hiking trail on the ridge above the …
MARTINEZ, Calif. – Business owners remain optimistic about the city’s commerce climate, as shown by the second Business Confidence Survey, Economic Development Coordinator Zach Seal …
Over the last few weeks we have seen an uptick in thefts from vehicles and one of the common themes has been that items of …
MARTINEZ, Calif. – Martinez residents can obtain something that is good for the environment and get rid of something that can harm the environment Aug. …

Why did it take 2 ½ years, after the post below, for the City Council to give our Martinez Police Officers a “special” 8% pay …
Crews continue road work at the intersection of Brown Street and Green Street. (ROBERT PERRY/MARTINEZ NEWS-GAZETTE)
By JEFF ROUBAL Things sometimes turn out as you never expected — usually to the better! In 1983, Vivian and I were living in Hayward. …
A section of the sidewalk and parking lot on Main Street between Pine Street and Grandview Avenue will be closed Tuesday, Aug. 14, through Wednesday, …