Council meets tonight with full agenda

MARTINEZ, Calif. – A public Study Session on Downtown Density is scheduled from 5:45 to 6:30 p.m. tonight before the regular city council meeting. The purpose is to gain additional detail and clarification on Priority Items from Council Goal Setting Session relating to the following topics:

Downtown height and density, code enforcement, parking, types of businesses.

The council will meet in private session from 6:30 to 7:00 p.m., then the Martinez City Council Meeting opens to the public at 7:00 p.m.

There will be a presentation by the Firewise Community on preparing for emergencies, the OnStage Repertory Theater will present a report to the council on business at the Campbell Theater, and then City Staff will present the Marina Trust Lands Use Plan to the council.

After a vote on the consent calendar, the City Council will consider a vote on the Proposed Park Design and Park Improvements to be Installed by DeNova Homes (the developer) on the Approximately 8.22 acres of the Project Known as Pine Meadow/Vine Hill/Traditions at the Meadow subdivision (Subdivision 9358) located at 451 Vine Hill Way (“Subject Property”) that is offered for Dedication as a Public Park.

Background information on all of these topics is available on the city website

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