Letter to the Editor: To ‘F’ or to ‘I’…that is the question

Before you cast your vote on the two Private Property and open space measures on the June 5th, 2018 ballot, be sure you have all the facts.

Information is out there for you to explore and it can be found in your Voter Information Guide pages CC 021-040 to CC 021-56. Information is also available at martinezopenspace.org and on the City of Martinez website.

Misinformation is also out there, so please beware of your sources.

I am writing this letter not as your elected Martinez City Councilwoman, but as a concerned Martinez resident. Please take the time to evaluate the similarities and differences between these competing Measures. Your decision will have a lasting economic impact on your friends and neighbors, as well as the City that we all love. Both Measures will protect our Public Open Space and Parks and that’s a good thing for everyone.

At the heart of the issue is the bigger question surrounding Private Property Rights for hundreds of Martinez residents.

If you own Property, have a home or use your land for business or commercial activities, it is critical that you know the impacts to your Private Property Rights. At risk are the placement of significant limitations and restrictions on certain parcels of Private Property resulting in adverse financial impacts to these families. Hundreds of hard working residents that have mortgages to pay may find themselves with devalued Property and special election hurdles to navigate, which are unnecessary and costly.

Measure I will place a 45-year-old overlay that was established in 1973 to our city lands.

Much has changed in 45 years and positive change should be encouraged! In 1973 in the Unites States of America, women were finally allowed to serve on a jury in all 50 states, the first shelter for battered women was opened and sex-discrimination finally made it to our law books. Let’s not turn back the hands of time, instead take the time to educate yourself on both measures.

Discuss your concerns with trusted sources and remember that true and accurate information is critical to your deliberations.

After checking the facts, I hope you join me and Vote YES on Measure F and No on Measure I.

– Debbie McKillop, Concerned Martinez Resident

One Reply to “Letter to the Editor: To ‘F’ or to ‘I’…that is the question”

  1. Measure I concerns only property zoned open space In Martinez. It gives the vote to citizens when the Council wants to change open space zoning. On your property all land use remains in tack and can be pasted on. F the developers measure was created by the same type of council that has changed open space zoning for Developers three separated times over 5 years. It was created at developer request with no public input. F was put in place to confuse. So much so that the People’s Measure I’s signs are mimicked. The added scare tactic of threats to private property rights is a disgrace. The 1973 General plan gave us the where with all to Save the Waterfront, the Franklin Hills, and other parkland. The climate now is remove General plan protectition vital to our town. Measure l is about open space zoning and a public vote. Vote no on Measure (F)abrication.

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