MARTINEZ, Calif. – If Brandon Varise proceeds with the Flexsquare LLC application for Off Trail Outfitters, a flagship sporting goods store at 604 Ferry Street, …
MARTINEZ, Calif. – If Brandon Varise proceeds with the Flexsquare LLC application for Off Trail Outfitters, a flagship sporting goods store at 604 Ferry Street, …
The Martinez city council certified Measure I at the July 18 meeting and a cheer went up from the gallery. The citizens of our city …
Dear Editor, Measure I—The Citizen Initiative won. Congratulations to all of us for this truly community-wide effort to protect all Martinez open space and parks, …
MARTINEZ, Calif. – Measure I, the citizen-initiated ballot measure that would prevent development on open space park and recreation land without voter approval, now leads …
MARTINEZ, Calif. – Martinez voters showed Tuesday they want a say if open spaces are to be developed, but by a 75-vote margin so far, …
A razor thin margin of four votes shows Measure I ahead of Measure F in the duel of opposing open space measures following a Friday …
We urge Martinez voters to join us in voting YES on Measure I on June 5. Here’s why: 1. Measure I protects all Martinez parks …
The East Bay Times editorial (on Measure I and Measure F) is an excellent summary of the history of the debate and the shameful actions …
I am voting YES on Measure F and No on Measure I because it is no more than Eminent Domain by Citizens. My reasoning is …