Millie Thomas, Shasta Thompson, Gianna Smith, Daphne Smyth, Maddie McKeown, and Nikki Elrod By Courtney Masella-O’Brien At the end of the third week of the …
Millie Thomas, Shasta Thompson, Gianna Smith, Daphne Smyth, Maddie McKeown, and Nikki Elrod By Courtney Masella-O’Brien At the end of the third week of the …
Martinez Historical Society: A special August 11 evening showing at the Shell Club house of Francis Ford Coppola’s film “Tucker”, the complicated and ultimately sad …
MARTINEZ, Calif. – Martinez City Council has agreed to obtain a $4 million line of credit from US Bank to pay Social Security obligations it …
By HARRIETT BURT Martinez News-Gazette Contributor Editor’s Note: Martinez residents and businesses tend to identify with Contra Costa County in many ways and have especially …
MARTINEZ, Calif. – Martinez City Council will meet Monday to consider putting a half-cent sales tax measure on the Nov. 6 ballot. “The city of …
MARTINEZ, Calif. – Martinez City Council will decide tonight whether to borrow $4 million to pay for retroactive costs stemming from the dissolution of the …
I met a father and his two daughters from Houston, Texas last weekend at the Golden Gate Recreation Area in Marin County. We were waiting …
On June 16th at 8:00 a.m., Sergeant Gaul located a reported stolen vehicle parked behind the post office on Alhambra Avenue. The victim said the …
John Muir Land Trust wants Almond Ranch, calling it the “missing” 281 acres that would connect several other open-space pieces of land the organization has …